Today the last bits left on my glue fell off and I've seen what was under the ugly scab. Let me tell you what, a thin pink line and smooth skin :) VERY pleased with that. Not that I was at all bothered with possible scarring but still made my day!
Also I felt something poking out of my skin after the glue fell off while drying after my shower this morning. It was like a thick transparent hair sticking out of my incision so i felt it and thought it was a grey hair first (lol). Gently pulled the 'hair' and it came out! It was probably a part of the dissolvable stitches the skin pushed out while healing. Weird!
Normal food going ok. I had salad for lunch today, oh how I missed salad!
Eggs, chicken and fish very hard work but everything else I seem to manage fine.
If I have any readers, you can look me up on to see what I eat everyday :) xxx
Hey, Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Your journey has been so interesting, emotional and amusing in parts. You have done fantastic - you should be so proud!
ReplyDeleteI go for my band on 15th Dec and reading your blog has given me an insight to prepare me the best that you can be prepared.
Well done again and please keep updating on your progress :)
A x
Hello A :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! This is the first comment I got, how exciting :)
I'm really glad someone found what I wrote useful and I wish you best of luck on the 15th. The best Christmas present you'll ever get!
Keep in touch will you? I'd love to hear how you get on with your band adventure.
Tobi x
Hey Tobi
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear about your first fill. Sounds like you are doing fab! Your food diary is giving me some good ideas for when the time comes. Are there any foods that you are craving?
I had my consultation today, just to dot the I's and cross the T's. It does feel real now. I don't have to do a post op diet (I've been told that's lucky for me) I still think that I will try not to go ott and see if I can lose some lbs to kick start the loss.
Have you told friends and family about your band? I have decided to keep it quiet apart from my partner. I am hoping I can keep it this way without too much unusual food related behaviour. I will be on fluids over Christmas and will mean avoiding my Christmas dinner which usually I would devour. My mum is a feeder so this will be tricky to get round.
I will be packing my hospital bag soon and referring to your list will help loads - thank you!
Please keep up the posting :-)
A x
Thanks A :)
ReplyDeleteI did crave ice cream last night so I made some in my Vitamix and had it. Healthier than ready-made ones! I thought I'd miss Diet Coke and rice most - two things I can't have for the time being but I don't even remember how Diet Coke tasted anymore.. it's a little sad when you think about the past where I lived on Diet Coke. It's not good for you anyway, good riddance lol! I don't really miss rice yet but I will be able to have it (or try having it) in 6 weeks or so, not really fussed.
Are you happy with your consultation? Feel free to email them with as many questions as you like because if you're like me, you'll think of things to ask AFTER the consultation :)
I told close friends and close family members. You'll need to be a bit anti social for a while I guess. I was, even though I did tell my close friends. After the first couple of weeks, it's good. Soft food stage, you can even eat out. First time I ate out, I had crab cake starter and only managed half in the end.
You can put your Chrismas dinner in a liquidiser and drink it :D I did that once, put a slice of meat, a potato, some veg, stuffing and gravy and whizzed that into the most delicious soup. It tasted divine or I was too desperate lol!
You can always say you're on a diet - which you will be. You can't get around to pretending 100% normal because you won't be eating. Say you're on a liquid diet to kick start your metabolism for a while :)
Good luck! xx
Hi Toni,
ReplyDeleteWhat is Vitamix?
I did feel happy to an extent, the surgeon was lovely however I felt the PA rushed it a bit.
How are you feeling aince the fill?
I cant believe its 2 weeks away. Found out my job at work is at risk so been so wrapped up in that I havent thought about the band at all. I need to start to prep myself mentally for it.
What multivitamin and mineral did you buy? Also are you taking a calcium suppliment also?
ReplyDeleteVitamix is an industrial strength blender/mixer - it makes icecream in 28 seconds with frozen fruit and a splash of light cream.
I felt restriction for a couple of days after the fill but can't really feel much difference now or maybe I got used to it, not sure. They did say I'd need another couple of fills before I felt proper restriction anyway so I'm not too worried.
Sorry to hear about your job! Hope it works out for you - good luck! The band or any op really, has an emotional impact on you as well as the physical. I think it's important to be well prepared in terms of knowing what to expect but try not to scare yourself like I did :)
I took/am still taking Bassett active life or something like that, chewable multivitamins with minerals. I sucked them after the op but been chewing since 4 weeks post op. They taste amazing, I have the blueberry flavour - yummy!
I take Boot's own brand Calcium + Vit D tablets but to be honest I do forget this so I take 2-3 tablets every other day or so. They are chewable with a vanilla flavour, not bad at all :)
Take care! x